Do you want to turn your life around and start being successful at everything that you do?
First, you need to write down all the things that you dream of.
Write down everything that you would like to accomplish if you had unlimited wishes.
Now take a look at your list and put them in the order that you would like to achieve them.
First, you need to define a clear and precise goal.
Second, your goal needs to be broken down into smaller step by step goals.
Third, every step you take needs to be achievable ie do not expect to become an astronaut today.
There is nothing stopping you from becoming an astronaut if you put your mind to it but it will take a whole lot longer.
However, if you want to be more successful you need to start mixing with successful people, so buy a new outfit, the best you can afford and once a
a week or as often as you can go to a different part of your town and have a drink or a meal at a more up-market place.
Do not go with the intention that the first time you go you will meet a well -known celebrity and will be on your way to fame or fortune
The more that you get used to stepping outside of your comfort zone the easier it will be.
Fourth, do not be so hard on yourself; give yourself some credit for your past successes and those of the future.
Most people just lack confidence in their own abilities; do you remember when you started to learn to ride a bike?
It was scary, you may have fallen off a few times, but you got back on and tried again and again until it became second nature to you.
That was a success but I bet you don’t credit yourself with that success now.
The first time you got yourself dressed without anyone’s help was a success; you just stopped thinking of it as such.
You have had hundreds of successes in your life but you have just forgotten them.
Write down your past successes and try to remember the feeling you had when you reached your goal.
Fifth, find out how other people have become successful.
Nowadays with computers, it is easy to investigate all sorts of people and things.
Look into their backgrounds, read their life stories, go to seminars if you can, study what makes them tick.
If you get the chance to meet them ask for advice.
Successful people love being asked for advice; it makes them feel that they are appreciated.
You can gain a great deal of knowledge and understanding if you show that you are interested and it may just lead to an offer of a job.
Every successful person knows how important it is to relax and let the tension go.
They know what they are doing, how they are going to do it, where they are going and they have complete faith in their ability to achieve their goal.
If you are tense and stressed out you will not reach your goal.
By learning to meditate you will learn to control your emotions and be relaxed at will.
Seventh, you need to understand that there will be problems along the way.
The way you deal with the problems will determine how quickly you will reach your goal.
To a successful person, problems are just additional challenges that need to be overcome.
If you think that you can achieve your goal without any problems then you are more inclined to give up when the first problem comes along.
So you need to accept that there will be problems but do not put your focus on expecting them, just meeting them and solving them.
If you get a problem then you should talk your way through it.
Think of someone who would know the answer if they were there with you.
If it is a financial problem, maybe you have faith in a banker friend or if it is emotional perhaps you trust a friend.
If not think yourself up a council of friends.
Henry Ford always admitted that he had several people and not all alive at the time, that he asked for advice.
He would sit in a quiet semi-lit room do some mediation and he would imagine his friend sat with him and ask questions.
Learn to talk yourself through the difficulties and you will overcome them more easily.
Creative visualisation is the most important secret of your success.
This means that you have to imagine what it will be like when you have achieved your goal.
Put as much detail into your visualisation as you can.
Use as many of your senses as you can, smell, touch, taste.
The more senses that you use the more real your visualisation will become.
Feel what it is like to sit in that Executive chair, behind your big executive desk and talk to all those important clients.
See yourself walking around your new home; notice the furniture and the pictures on the wall.
Bend down and touch the marble fireplace, feel the coolness of the marble.
Look out of the windows and see your garden.
See you brand new car parked in the driveway.
Imagine as much detail as you can and every time that you visualise it look for more detail.
Above all feel the emotion of acquiring your dream.
How will you feel when you have reached your goal?
Feel the sense of achievement, hear your friends congratulating you on your success.
Once you have really visualised your success you have started building it and it has no alternative but to come to fruition.
How to manifest so quick you’ll think you have supernatural powers.